Thursday, April 16, 2009

29 months and 8 days old

April's talking more and more. I love it!

  • When I went to pick her up from the playroom at the gym, I was all sweaty. She said, "Mommy! You head wet!"
  • This evening going to bed between John & me, she was doing all sorts of talking, including, "I tired." And, "I love you Mama. I love you Dada." She found my face in the dark and kissed my forehead.
  • When I'm almost done wiping food messes off her face, wiping to perfection, she'll say, "Enough." She says it for diaper changes too, if I've been wiping a bit longer than she feels is necessary. "Enough."
She's mastered all the basic vocabulary and sentences and ideas that help her function in her little world. But I noticed today that she might not know what "grass" is. So we'll work on that concept tomorrow :)