In December Michael mastered tying his shoes. Yay! Good job. It just took awhile for my patience to synch up with his willingness to learn. And now finally, he's joined the ranks of shoe tie-ers.
Also in December he became immersed in a chapter book for the first time. Junie B. Jones, First Grader at last!
We went to the library yesterday evening, and Michael is currently engrossed in another chapter book: Magic School Bus - Amazing Magnetism
Hooray for reading! Michael & April are so much more well-mannered when they spend their free time reading than they are when they watch TV. Another hooray for reading!
In November we moved about 15 miles away from our last residence, so Michael had to start at a new school right after Thanksgiving. He really loved his old school; he had lots of friends. Whenever we'd walk home from school, we'd hear from far and near, little children calling out, "Hi, Michael!"
At 6 years old, a very adaptable age, he's doing fine at his new school. We look forward to new friends and new faces for playdates and sleepovers. But the nice thing about only moving 15 miles away, he still gets to keep his old friends for playdates and sleepovers too :)
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